Monday, February 2, 2009

Online Comics

I've never read online comics before, though several of my friends have told me I should. I randomly went about looking for some when I found this site ( that has tons of links. One in particular struck me: a graphic novel-esque version of the 9/11 report. It's fairly straightforward, and really all you have to do is click to advance to the next page.

Something like this probably couldn't be published and sold in stores, however; it would have to be online. Why? The content, of course.

And that got me thinking. On one hand, it seems like exploitation to create a fairly basic comic version of the 9/11 events with little in the way of surprises. Another part of me, though, wonders if maybe this is just one way to deal with what can still be a pretty traumatic event. If you convert it into something that you'd read in an average Spider-Man or Superman comic, it doesn't seem as frightening. Of course, we like to believe that someone like Superman could have stopped those planes from hitting the buildings; maybe by viewing these events in the Superman style, we can pretend he did.

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