Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is This Really Grad School?

If I have to read another story filled with insane grammatical errors that shouldn't even happen while the story was being written, much less if it was even casually glanced at once since it was completed, I just may stop reading entirely.... I'm sorry if that sounds snobbish, but for fuck's sake, it's distracting as all hell.

Oh yeah, and has anyone who's ever worked in customer service ever entertained the notion of calling in a bomb threat to your store because you've been pushed past the point of all reason while dealing with idiot/asshole customers? I came to that point twice this past weekend (and to be fair, so did pretty much everyone else I work with). What the hell is it about White Marsh that makes my store there so much more unbearable than my stores in Lafayette, Indiana and Austin, Texas ever were? Seriously, damn near every one of us who closed work on Sunday were shouting the word "FUCK!" every thirty seconds while we were trying to clean up the store, and I know I wasn't the only one who genuinely wanted to rip out a few customers' large intestines and strangle them with them.

Okay, bitch-fest over. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled program.


  1. Actually when I worked in a bookstore in Towson, I want to tie customers up and make them listen to recordings of their own stupid questions.

  2. I have worked at a multitude of bookstores. In one, we did have an actual bomb threat called in, which did turn out to be attached to an actual bomb, but we were not allowed to leave customers in the store during the evacuation.

    In another, many of my coworkers were so rude to customers that we eventually got firebombed. Ah, good times.
