Thursday, January 29, 2009


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I had to have some excuse for enabling the "adult content warning" option, and I'm sure I'll drop a few of these words here and there, so I figured I might as well get some of them out of the way now.

So yesterday at work, a customer reached all new levels of dumb. A young woman came in with a couple other people and picked up one of the many copies of Bruce Springsteen's new CD from a huge display and said, "Wow, is this out yet?" Remember that part where I said she picked up the CD? Yeah, that's true. But wait, there's more: after staring at the CD... which was physically in her hands... she muttered, "No, I guess it isn't," and put it back on the display rack. I didn't have the heart to correct her; hell, I couldn't even laugh. After working retail for nearly nine years, I thought I had seen pretty much every form of idiocy, but the one thing I've learned on that front is that, whenever I think I've hit rock bottom, someone like that girl comes in and tosses me a shovel.

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