Friday, January 30, 2009


Last night I was waiting outside the wine store for my girlfiend, who took my car to the mall across the street, to pick me up, I noticed a guy and a girl who looked more or less my age sitting on a bench outside. They were bundled up and were blowing on their hands; they looked cold (did I mention most of this town was pure ice yesterday?) The guy came up to me and asked if I had any change, just a penny or a nickel, because they were hungry. People my age. I dont know if they were homeless or not, but they sure looked like it. I pulled out my wallet and gave him two dollars, and he thanked me and returned to the bench. I thought about that and then walked over to the bench and handed him a five and told them to get something to eat. I doubt they were faking being poor just for coins. People like that aren't supposed to be homesless, damn it. Not even in Baltimore.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I had to have some excuse for enabling the "adult content warning" option, and I'm sure I'll drop a few of these words here and there, so I figured I might as well get some of them out of the way now.

So yesterday at work, a customer reached all new levels of dumb. A young woman came in with a couple other people and picked up one of the many copies of Bruce Springsteen's new CD from a huge display and said, "Wow, is this out yet?" Remember that part where I said she picked up the CD? Yeah, that's true. But wait, there's more: after staring at the CD... which was physically in her hands... she muttered, "No, I guess it isn't," and put it back on the display rack. I didn't have the heart to correct her; hell, I couldn't even laugh. After working retail for nearly nine years, I thought I had seen pretty much every form of idiocy, but the one thing I've learned on that front is that, whenever I think I've hit rock bottom, someone like that girl comes in and tosses me a shovel.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Arizona Cardinals????

So it's come to this: the Arizona Cardinals can make it to the Super Bowl, but the Chicago Cubs still can't win even a single playoff game.  Sigh.